Saturday, 28 April 2012

our Essence includes Compassion

I believe we, Human Beings, are all innately compassionate. I am therefore disturbed by the different responses we have to a world in crisis. For example in this time of economic depression after the Wall Street Crash of 2008 the responses of some people are to close ranks and only look after their own immediate families, while others share the little they have with those around them (family, friends, neighbours) in need, others seize an opportunity to plunder those who are reeling from the loss of income / business etc.  These responses happen at all levels, globally all the way down to the most local grassroots level. 

I realise our differences will mean that we respond differently to any situation however our motivation should be the same – after all our Essence is the same. The real reason for my discomfort is that I find it very difficult to grasp why the response of Human Beings to others is not naturally one of compassion.  When did caring for ones neighbour become an heroic / saintly act?  Thankfully there are many heroes and saints still caring and showing compassion on a daily basis in our communities.  Sadly though there are much more people in need of love, care and compassion than they can reach.  We need more people to care and to be compassionate to others. 

There is a wonderful painted quote on the Mustadaffin Foundation building in Belgravia, Cape Town – it reads “if every man helps his neighbour then who would need help”.

Today let us think about what it means to care and be compassionate? What does compassion mean to you? How do you know when someone cares about you, what are the actions they perform that says ‘I care’? What are the words that tell you they care ? What do they not do to show you that they care?  What are the actions that show compassion? Let’s start to translate these answers into our way of being with others – if you are not doing it already.

It really is as simple as each one caring for our neighbour to create the happy world we all wish to live in. CHOOSE.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Human Beings - Being or Not Being

Today I blog for the first time and I am certain, start on a new journey in my life that will bring me many joys and surprises. It is at this time, my life purpose to help Human Beings to Be rather than Not To Be, more conscious. I have decided to blog and share my views, thoughts, feelings, inspired wisdom and information through this medium to help me achieve that purpose.

 I do not mean conscious in the way that some activists may say political consciousness and exclude the awareness of matters seemingly apolitical. Instead I mean consciousness that encompasses an awareness of all that is and that cannot be seen, consciousness that relates to the suffering of humanity, mother earth and all living organisms as well as to a deep awareness of the spiritual and striving to attain higher levels of vibration and connection with the spirit world.

Various people who have read my poetry, prose, writing - not sure what to call of it - have asked me if I publish and often identify strongly with what I write and appreciate it. It is with this in mind that I have decided to use blogging to get it out there. I usually write for myself, now I am writing also to share with others.

Many Human Beings are Not Being, many are zombified and just existing. We, Human Beings, need to Be. We need to Be fully conscious to live in the world in love and peace.

It is my intention that this blog will take us a few steps in that direction. I hope you will find this blog useful, it is my intention for it to be of use to others more than to me; that this blog brings new insights and stimulates thought, feeling, word and action in all of us toward the bliss-full world I know we can have. A world where Love, Peace and Harmony is dominant :)
