Thursday, 27 December 2012

one step at a time

This is a time of year when I find myself focussed on gratitude. Gratitude for the many small and great blessings in my life. The family I have who are still all here, whilst so many have family who have died. The love of my family. Wonderful, trustworthy and loyal friends. Shelter, food, water and a body that still works - a bit slower these days -still working. Thankful for the opportunity to share with others and for their trust and faith in me. For my faith in myself. So thankful for my brain which I do use and I try to understand how it works to optimise its power. Thankful for all that is seen and not seen that supports me and most grateful because I  know that i am supported by the unseen. I am thankful for my heart, ever opening and opening and opening. The more it opens the stronger I feel, the more love I give and receive.... life is beautiful.

Gratitude helps me to stop noticing that which is not working. Gratitude focusses my attention on what is working in my life and invariably leaves me with a feeling of contentment. Content in the knowledge that I can build on what I have and as long as I keep a positive attitude and an attitude of gratitude I move forward one step at a time. This is how I have been doing it all along.... one step at a time. @lornahouston

Monday, 10 December 2012

Cool fresh air at the crack of dawn, telling me it is a new day. Another chance to start. An opportunity to succeed at that which I failed at yesterday. An opportunity to do what i put off doing yesterday and to be my best again today!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

soul power

Know that i am full and complete, i am perfect.
Accept the good and not so good. Make peace with the parts of me i suppress. Then i can deal with it.
Be still, do with love.
I have to reawaken and know my essence and it helps to create newness.
Create an attitude of disinterest if i want to move from an interest.
The challenge is letting go.
Soul power lies in the choices i make.
Spring clean physical spaces and the mind.
Be present and focus on what needs to be done now.