Sunday, 13 July 2014

letting go

Feeling really sad about the prospect of letting go of what is dear to my heart. Knowing and not knowing.... knowing that I am in a moment of change, seeing doors open and new horizons - literally and figuratively.   Not knowing for sure if this is a door i need to close or is it a moment to stay with till the lesson comes? Knowing that if I don't learn the lesson, it will come around again. What to let go of is the real question.  I must let go, I just need to understand of what? Of everything or part or outcomes?

Sunday, 6 July 2014

opportunities to learn

 life will always bring us trials it is the opportunities for us to learn the lessons we are here to learn on earth, in this lifetime.

When the going is good it is the time we need to be learning/ training/rehearsing / strengthening ourselves so that we can deal better with the next challenge.  The most important lessons all earthlings need to learn at this time, according to various sources, is empathy and compassion, love, spirituality (not religion that's something different) & non-violence.