Saturday, 19 May 2012


I am pretty sure that we do not fully appreciate the power of vision.  Earlier, I was on how grown up and mature my children are today, and how much I appreciate that they feel they can approach me with the challenges they face. I remembered the time when we were poor and I truly struggled. I can still recall the day, back in 1993, already a single mother with a newborn baby and a toddler to care for, I questioned what I would be able to give my children on my meagre income in ten years’ time. I was aware that with my incomplete high school education I was never going to earn much more than what I was at the time.  In that moment I decided that I must do something different.  I had a vision of completing my high school education and a first degree so that I would be able to provide my children with a Life and not an Existence where all I focus on is the treadmill of hard work and minimum wages that don’t allow us to live in decent conditions and eat adequately healthy food.  

I embraced and realised this vision and many other visions I have had before that one and since.  Vision helps us to move toward something, to create, to change, to have motivation and purpose.  They are amazing vehicles for real transformation whether individual or collective transformation.  Shared vision is even more powerful because then the vision has even more attention directed to it. I believe in the power of vision and I know I underestimate its power otherwise I would be using it much more frequently to help me on my life’s journey. 

Some ways we can use Vision:
Before we start the day, or a new project or activity – picture the desired outcome, imagine you achieved the outcome and notice how you feel, your posture, your thoughts, what you can see or hear. Take it in, allow yourself to fully experience the successful achievement of your day / project / activity and then get on with what you need to do to lead you to that moment.

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