Thursday, 21 June 2012


Its been a while since I have blogged, that is a pity. I aim to be more regular and consistent. Life is hectic at the moment I am working really hard at my employment. I resigned and am working out my notice period and so I am doing so much regular day to day stuff plus trying to wrap up stuff.

I am sooo tired. Work is pretty exciting as our organisation is reinventing itself and this itself takes energy. On the otherhand leaving - I am learning - can also take a lot of emotional energy. Mostly, for me leaving is an education. I am discovering that people equate ones loyalty to an organisation and being a hard worker with never leaving employment. Iwork at a non government & not for profit organisation. We do amazing work with community care workers and are very impactful. I am passionate about the people and work. StillI am more loyal to myself than to any organisation - we have to be true to ourselves. Noone is irreplaceable, all organisations will easily find a way to replace me or anyone else. I cannot stay forever, in any job. Or people think that because you are passionate about a cause you will stay in that place forever, if anyone was listening they would have known that I am passionate about society as a whole, that my passion is helping people to awaken and that I can do anywhere. I learnt that at AIDS Response.

Keep loving life people. Remember to stay true to yourself and when times are tough at least you will know why. Peace

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