Saturday, 20 April 2013

Born to Run

I just finished reading Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. What a fabulous read –beautiful, lyrical writing.  The characters are absolutely amazing and rich – Caballo Blanco, Coach Vigil, Manuel Luna, the Tarahumara, Scott Jurek and Emil Zatopek. Exploration of the origins of humans or is it the origins of running …. what’s the difference.  Understanding ancient peoples’ Tarahumara, Kalahari Bushmen and the ancient ways of being and running. Discovering all of us humans are natural born runners. Discovering that great humans are great runners and the great runners are great humans.
An intriguing story that is so amazing and as I read I ask myself, are these people real? I google. Yes, they are all real, so real! I am speechless and spend time learning more about the characters via the internet.  Christopher is just as amazing in this story as the rest of the characters he writes about.
 I understand some things about my own movement now.  I love being barefoot and feel affirmed.  I know the feeling when you run and want to stop and then say to yourself, time to dig deep and keep going and it becomes wonderful.  I am not a runner, but I have been there and now I want to go there all the time.
Read this book if you love running and if you don’t. It will change your perspective on running guaranteed.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Aluta Continua - It does not matter how much resources you have, if you don't know how to use them, they will never be enough.

It is amazing that i have not yet been fired from my blog. I am trying to be a regular blogger. This requires regular getting up a bit earlier to blog.... Needless to say, that is not happening.

Twice in one week I have received the message about use of resources: It does not matter how much resources you have, if you don't know how to use them, they will never be enough.

Of course it's so easy to start pointing a finger at another squandering something over there. I am trying to stop and ask myself, what resources do I have and how am I using them?

Resources: time, abilities & skills, knowledge of self, others & world, access to finance, relationships, contacts & connections -  access to people who are good to know, food, shelter, family, intellect, healthy body, an open heart, spirituality

Do I use them? Yes I do. Do I use them smartly? How am I using them?

time - to the max, i share my time with many people, i do have lazy periods though. I should spend more time at home with my homework and my one and only house mate & beautiful daughter. I can spend more time in the gym and running outdoors & more time on self care like resting.

people - not as much as someone else may; i ask for assistance directly and also just cast the net out  into - especially the FB world - and see what fish is caught. Gosh not a christian yet this sounds like i am a fisher of men. mmmm

abilities & skills, knowledge of self, others & world, intellect - always applying this and sharing it with others. one of the sources of my shine! not doing as much coaching and blogging as i want to though!

access to finance, food, shelter - i share, i appreciate, i give without condition at times and on some occasions with conditions.

family [the houstons including the adopted daughters :) ; houston-dramat alliance; the allies; my omhle family] - my family is a resource / a source of knowledge, support, cheerleading, challenge, a safe space, toilers alongside me in the struggle for social & economic justice; can give more love back to these amazing beings who have a capacity for strengthening and evolving!

healthy body - underutilised and undervalued resource; not as well maintained as I would like; appreciated and certainly in use

an open heart, spirituality - i strive and strive. recently have let slip on my regular forgiveness practice practices.... need to bring it back.

Whose to know if the path I have chosen for how I use a certain resource is correct? I guess I am the judge of that based on my values. Love has to be the reason and the outcome. Love for me, others and the world.
Aluta Continua