It is amazing that i have not yet been fired from my blog. I am trying to be a regular blogger. This requires regular getting up a bit earlier to blog.... Needless to say, that is not happening.
Twice in one week I have received the message about use of resources: It does not matter how much resources you have, if you don't know how to use them, they will never be enough.
Of course it's so easy to start pointing a finger at another squandering something over there. I am trying to stop and ask myself, what resources do I have and how am I using them?
Resources: time, abilities & skills, knowledge of self, others & world, access to finance, relationships, contacts & connections - access to people who are good to know, food, shelter, family, intellect, healthy body, an open heart, spirituality
Do I use them? Yes I do. Do I use them smartly? How am I using them?
time - to the max, i share my time with many people, i do have lazy periods though. I should spend more time at home with my homework and my one and only house mate & beautiful daughter. I can spend more time in the gym and running outdoors & more time on self care like resting.
people - not as much as someone else may; i ask for assistance directly and also just cast the net out into - especially the FB world - and see what fish is caught. Gosh not a christian yet this sounds like i am a fisher of men. mmmm
abilities & skills, knowledge of self, others & world, intellect - always applying this and sharing it with others. one of the sources of my shine! not doing as much coaching and blogging as i want to though!
access to finance, food, shelter - i share, i appreciate, i give without condition at times and on some occasions with conditions.
family [the houstons including the adopted daughters :) ; houston-dramat alliance; the allies; my omhle family] - my family is a resource / a source of knowledge, support, cheerleading, challenge, a safe space, toilers alongside me in the struggle for social & economic justice; can give more love back to these amazing beings who have a capacity for strengthening and evolving!
healthy body - underutilised and undervalued resource; not as well maintained as I would like; appreciated and certainly in use
an open heart, spirituality - i strive and strive. recently have let slip on my regular forgiveness practice practices.... need to bring it back.
Whose to know if the path I have chosen for how I use a certain resource is correct? I guess I am the judge of that based on my values. Love has to be the reason and the outcome. Love for me, others and the world.
Aluta Continua
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