Wednesday 15 April 2015

#AfricaUnite #AfricaRiseUp

Our country is witnessing one of it's darker moments as some citizens, some of us, attack and brutally murder our fellow Africans who live amongst us. Their is no reason that can justify this action. There are certainly forces at play that incite violence, King Zwelintini saying even if they helped us in the struggle they should go was irresponsible, particularly since we experienced similar violent action in 2008!

Poverty, unemployment and poor living conditions push people to find ways to cope with living unfulfilled,  frustrating lives.  As a country we still do not know how to cope with stress and  to live healthy lives, so we drink alcohol excessively, eat unhealthy foods, take drugs - legal and illegal and do not exercise, in short we found unhealthy ways to cope with stress, some of us are healthy but largely we are not, and our health stats reflect this. These rituals and practices help us to disconnect from our daily realities and eventually from ourselves. This disconnection is key to being able to run around killing people,  because as humans we will not do so were we in our connected to our inner true selves, where love, creativity, purity and other virtues live.

All of us need to recognise this, so that we can work toward the much needed inner healing work our country, it's people and the world needs.  I am saddened and, unfortunately, not surprised to note that this situation is not as outrageous to my fb friends as the attack on Charlie Hebdo was - by the way #IamnotCharlie nor is it as debate-inspiring as the #rhodesmustfall statue. Silence  makes one just as guilty as those doing the acts of afrophobia. Please lets hear the voices of South Africa say NO to AFROPHOBIA. I say Afrophobia,  because its Africans being targeted not all people from other countries around the world. #blacklivesmatter #blackisbeautiful

#AfricaRiseUp #AfricaUnite #HealOurLand #NotInMyName_NotInMyCountry #SouthAfricaWakeUp

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